Cookie Policies

Sissai Joyería SAC (hereinafter, identified with RUC 20451750497, describes in this document the Cookies Policy that regulates the website with URL (hereinafter the Web site), with the aim of guarantee the privacy of Internet Users, hereinafter User.
We inform Users that on the website we use cookies, both our own and those of third parties.

These cookies allow us to facilitate the use and navigation, guarantee access to certain functionalities and, additionally, help us to improve the quality of the website according to the browsing habits and styles of the Users. uses strictly necessary and essential cookies for you to use the Web and allow you to move freely, use secure areas or personalized options.

The website has links to social networks. does not control the cookies used by these external websites. For more information about cookies from social networks or other third-party websites, we recommend reviewing their own cookie policies.

Cookies are small text files that websites store on your computer, smartphone, tablet or any other Internet access device.

Cookies are used to recognize the User's device when they visit the website again, facilitating its use by remembering their preferences and browsing settings (eg language, country, etc.). They also serve to improve the services we offer and to be able to collect statistical information that allows us to understand how Users use our Website and help us improve its structure and content.

Some cookies are strictly necessary for the website to function properly and others serve to improve performance and your user experience.

Cookies are only associated with an anonymous User and his Internet access device and do not provide references that allow deducing the User's personal data. Cookies cannot harm your device and are also very useful as they help us identify and resolve errors.

We display information about our Cookies Policy at the bottom each time the website is accessed.

Depending on the entity that manages the website from which cookies are sent and processes the data obtained, the following can be distinguished:

Own cookies: These are those that are sent to the User's Internet access device from the website managed by the owner of the site and from which the service requested by the Internet User is provided.

Third-party cookies: These are those that are sent to the user's Internet access device from the website but that are not managed by the owner of the site, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through cookies.

The Portal also includes indicators that Users can use, in a simple and intuitive way, to link and share certain contents of the Website with social networks. This functionality entails the use of cookies that link to the websites of these social networks, storing the information only in them.

The following cookies (*) do not personally identify Users, they only provide anonymous statistical information about browsing on this website; however you can disable them directly by configuring your browser.

By providing this policy, exposes our Users to the commitment made on the use of cookies, giving them access to information so that you can understand what type of cookies we use and why we do so. With this, we intend to provide you with transparency regarding the data processed about the navigation carried out from your computer on the website.

If you accept our cookies, you allow us to improve the website to offer you optimal access and give you a more efficient and personalized service.

If you as a User decide not to authorize the treatment by indicating your non-compliance, we would only use technical cookies, since they are essential for browsing our Website. In this case, we would not store any cookies. In the case of continuing to browse our website without denying your authorization, it implies that you accept its use.
Keep in mind that if you reject or delete cookies for browsing the website, we will not be able to maintain your preferences, some features of the pages will not be operational, we will not be able to offer you personalized services and each time you browse our website we will have to request again your authorization for the use of cookies.

If even so, you decide to modify the configuration of your access to the Website, you should know that it is possible to eliminate cookies or prevent this information from being recorded on your computer at any time by modifying the configuration parameters of your browser.

To block or disable cookies, the User must activate the browser settings, so that the installation of all cookies or some of them is rejected. In practice, most browsers allow you to warn about the presence of cookies or automatically reject them. If they are rejected, you can continue using our website, although the use of some of its services may be limited and therefore the user experience may be less satisfactory.

Access to the cookie settings of the main browsers are as follows:
Internet Explorer: Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Settings
For more information, you can consult Microsoft support or the browser's Help. In each browser, the operation to be followed is different, but the "Help" function of each browser's website will show you how to do it, as it happens for example for Internet Explorer:”ie-10″
Safari: Preferences -> Security
For more information, you can consult Apple support or the browser Help at
Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Privacy -> History -> Custom Settings
For more information, you can consult Mozilla support or the browser Help at
Chrome: Settings -> Show advanced options -> Privacy -> Content settings

For more information, you can consult Google support or the browser Help at'en'

In the event that can collect personal data, these will be stored in the "Web Users" data bank for an indefinite period to: (i) keep a record for statistical and historical purposes; (ii) obtain information from public and private access sources for profiling purposes; and, (iii) send promotions, benefits, contests, offers and, in general, advertising about products and services
You are informed that may share and entrust the processing of your personal data to directly related organizations or persons, companies that provide cloud services and companies dedicated to advertising or marketing.
It is noted that: (i) the details of third parties with access to personal data and any variation thereof will be updated in the Privacy Policy located on our Website; (ii) the authorization of the User is necessary to comply with the aforementioned purposes; and, (iii) the rights provided for in Law No. 29733 may be exercised, by submitting a request to the address Avenida Conquistadores 560 San Isidro – Peru with the subject “Personal Data Rights”.
If you consider that it has not been attended to, you may file a claim with the National Authority for the Protection of Personal Data, by contacting the Parties Desk of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights located at Calle Scipión Llona No. 350, Miraflores, Lima, Peru. .

The Web Cookie Policy has been updated in January 2021. can modify this Cookies Policy based on legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential requirements or with the purpose of adapting said policy to the instructions issued by the National Authority for the Protection of Personal Data, as well as by own business criteria.
For this reason, and given that said policy can be updated periodically, we suggest our users to review it regularly and that they will find it on the website.