Sustainability We are a brand committed to sustainability through the materials and processes used to make our jewelry.

Not only have we created a responsible jewelry market in Peru, but we have also focused on maintaining a small environmental footprint, thanks to the artisan processes used to manufacture our jewelry, handmade locally and 100% by Peruvian artisans.

Additionally, we recycle the materials that are lost in the creation of each jewel and we use recycled gold from our clients.

Fairmined "A great ally of the brand, as it is through this certification that Sissai ensures responsible support to Peruvian mining communities and the protection of the incredible biodiversity that characterizes Peru."

Since the beginnings of Sissai, Ximena and Pamela always wanted to create a brand that would generate a positive impact on the development of Peru.

Peru is a country rich in minerals but faces a situation where illegal mining is thriving. This is why both sisters agreed that one of the brand's priorities would be to establish traceability of gold as a source of ethical sourcing.

The impact of illegal mining on the Amazon and Peruvian biodiversity is immeasurable. It is estimated that for every kilogram of gold extracted illegally, 2.8 kilograms of mercury are used. Additionally, alluvial mining has resulted in the removal of nearly 100,000 hectares of tropical forest in Madre de Dios since 1985, with 65% of this deforestation occurring between 2010 and 2017.

Today, approximately 50% of the gold extracted worldwide is used in jewelry; however, only 1% of this gold is traceable.

Fairmined is an international certification that ensures environmental protection, fair and safe working conditions, as well as responsible development for artisanal miners and their communities.

Since 2018 we are the first Peruvian jewelry brand to work with Fairmined Eco Gold.

That is, gold extracted without the use of chemicals such as mercury or cyanide. The gold is separated from the rest of the materials, only with the use of gravimetry, thus avoiding the contamination of the miners and water sources.

Today, Fairmined is a very important ally for our brand and we are sure that with this alliance we are managing to generate a positive change, protecting the biodiversity of our planet and creating a consumer who is increasingly involved with the impact of their purchasing decisions.

Development Projects

During 2019 we carried out various jewelry development projects for young people in Lima, as well as a very special one for women miners in Puno. In this way we seek to share our experience, disseminating knowledge of jewelry among interest groups.